Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Roles, Responsibilities, and Boundaries as a Teacher

Part 1 Part A (1 & 2) – Roles, responsibilities and boundaries As a Training Consultant (TC) and teacher my main role and responsibilities are to educate and deliver effective training and impart my skills and knowledge in my specialist area which is Childcare. This is needed to support the learner either directly or indirectly and to maintain an inclusive, fair/just and motivating learning environment. I understand that as a teacher I am primarily responsible for the health and safety also the moral and physical welfare of my students/learners.I am also responsible for teaching students with Special Educational Needs. I provide Training to Learners within their workplace which can be either in a nursery, a school, Residential Care setting/Children's home or any setting that looks after and educates children. The qualifications I deliver are Certificate (level 2), Diploma (level 3) Children's and Young People's workforce alongside Functional skills; Maths. English and ICT at l evels 1 and 2, and Employment Rights and Responsibilities (ERR).This I deliver both in the workplace and in the classroom. I am employed in a full teaching role. I am required to perform all aspects of the teaching and learning cycle as outlined in the â€Å"Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector†0 As the teacher I am responsible for following company policies and procedures and for attending promotional events, for example: A Career day at local school . This would be to show our potential students the benefit of taking up training with our company.Whilst attending these kind of events I will need to have an up to date and sound knowledge of my specialist subject and at all times follow the Institute for Learning (IFL) code of professional practice as this may be my first contact with potential learners/students. When delivering the Qualifications I use the teaching and learning cycle which is made up of the following five sections; identifying needs, planning tr aining, facilitating learning, assessment, quality assurance and evaluation. This would also help me to judge the abilities of my students and would be helpful for my own self evaluation. 1.Identifying needs: this will start with the initial face to face contact with potential learners/students which is considered the most important as this will create the very first steps of building a bond with the learner/student. This will be a major step in understanding their needs and recognising their potential. Each learner is different due to different previous experiences. To identify their educational background and level I would form a discussion on what previous knowledge they already have and would facilitate communication in such a way that all learners are encouraged to participate in the discussion.Whilst the process of identifying needs is taking place, there are some boundaries that may affect the process. The lack of information regarding learners' requirements can make the proc ess of assessment very difficult because I do not know the background knowledge of the student before starting an initial assessment and this can have negative effects on the process of assessment. Students/ learners may be mature student. Therefore there may be funding constraints. Nursery managers have to adhere to Ofsted’s ratio requirements so staffing arrangement can be stretched having an affect on visit lengths and times.There are many boundaries to teaching. Liaising with other professionals. When liaising with other professionals I will need to remain professional at all times. I frequently liaise with other teachers within our organisation this will include one of our functional skills teachers. She knows her specialist subject well. When needing expert advice on delivery or assessments relating to functional skills I would ask her. This is to ensure that I have to correct information to pass on to my learner, so I do not put them at a disadvantage.I have to deal wi th eternal professionals such as Learning Links this is a agency that deals with young adults who have had a difficultly finding a job for variius reasons such as acholoca, drug abuse. Part B – Legislation and Codes of Practice The legislation that impacts my teaching are the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 this Act provides a frame work for all employers and employees outlining their roles and responsibilities to ensure everyone's safety. Equality Act 2010 is a discrimination law that protects people from unfair treatment and creates a fairer and more equal society.Data Protection Act 1998 is a law to protect people's personal information. It is important that I demonstrate that my standards of teaching constantly meet or exceed all Approved Codes of Practice (ACOP) set out by my employers or other professional bodies if compliance is ever called into question. The codes of practice I follow are: Institute for learning (IFL) mentioned above and Early Years and Childcare c ode of practice. A professional code for child carers, providing advice for professionals carrying out their duties and responsibilities within their working role.Firstly, in accordance with Professional practice, members should ensure that no action that they take will be detrimental to the Child's welfare, safety or will hinder the child development. Secondly, members should aim to maintain the highest possible standards of performance, to aim to improve their knowledge, skills and competencies by taking advantage of training. 3As Institute of learning (IFL) points out specific behaviour expected from the member for the benefit of learners, employers, the profession and the wider community. They are as follows: Integrity, Respect, Care, Practice, Disclosure and Responsibility.This is what all members should adhere to, to ensure that good quality teaching is carried out. Thirdly, members should constantly evaluate and reappraise their own methods, policies and practices and keep up to date with current developments in light of changing needs and circumstances. Lastly, member should be aware of the need for confidentiality within their professional practice. Part C – Equality, Diversity and Ways to Promote Inclusion The Department for education and skills have a handout called The learning Journey this is a vital tool for all assessors.This clearly shows the process to follow when meeting with the learner/student for the first time. I need to acquire as much information as possible to identify any support needs of the learners. During the discussion, as a teacher I encourage learners to seek initial and further learning and to use services within the organisation. This is called Signposting. This is when I will direct the learner on where to find additional information, guidance and advice or learning resources. Another service within the organisation is Referral.This is when I will direct them to an outside agency depending on the kind of support they require. If they have mental health issues I would direct them to Children and adolescence mental health service, Portsmouth if they are 18 years of age and under and Health recovery, Solent, Portsmouth, if they are 18 years of age and older If they had alcohol, drug or gambling problems I would refer them to Addction within this organisation they have a specialist team to counsel, support both the individual and those closest to them. Once the learner/ tudent has the correct information and agrees with the referral I would either make the appointment or I would give the learners/ students details to the agency. I would then contact the agency to ensure everything is in order. I would then record details and ensure the learner knows what arrangements have been made. I must not discriminate against a learner and must provide every opportunity for every learner that learning will be achieved. To be able to do this properly I need to have prior knowledge of my students through the init ial assessment process.Facilitate Learning: Within the initial meeting I would then make sure that the learners are on the right programme, checking their eligibility for funding, giving advice, guidance and appropriate information, keep records of discussions and agreements, maintain confidentiality and undertake a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check, if required. Being a Teacher is extremely rewarding. The quality of learning the advice and guidance on the programme they wish to undertake is very important.What is also necessary is supporting the students' individual needs, applying and adapting my teaching methods to suit the students' preferred learning styles, level of skill and abilities. In doing this, I would be motivating my students to progress and achieve their desired qualifications. Part D – Core skills Functional Skills consist of Math’s, English and ICT. They provide the foundation of knowledge and skills to enable the learner to function at the required level, confidently and independently in everyday life.For example, they help us recognise good deals when making purchases, in writing a CV or application letter, or when using the internet for emails and online banking. Functional Skills qualifications can be achieved at Entry level, Level 1 or Level 2. Some learners may already have achieved at school but it is still important that the teacher embeds the elements of Functional Skills into the subject. It is important to embed Functional skills into everyday work life. Maths is embedded into everyday tasks such as working out ratios, room measurements and nursery fees.English is embedded into everyday during training sessions and work – based tasks. ICT skills include using computers, using email for communication and word processing. It is important that a teacher has competence of their Functional Skills. If handouts were produced with spelling mistakes or the teacher could not operate a computer, it would cause the learn ers to lose confidence in the teacher and lack of credibility. Part E – Environment I need to create a safe, non-threatening, good atmosphere at all times.To quote from Teaching and Teacher education hand-out from PTLLS course3 â€Å"having a safe, supportive environment provides a foundation for maintaining the productive relationships†. I agree with this statement as I frequently come across this situation with my learners, especially in childcare. If there is not a suitable environment for teaching and giving feedback then the learner remains in the formal stage and will not move into the informal stage where most of the learning takes place. Therefore, this would mean I have failed to empower and motivate the learner.With this in mind 5Maslow's hierarchy of needs clearly states â€Å"that we must satisfy each need in turn starting at the bottom and working our way up† Please see Maslow's triangle below. If the physical, emotional and wellbeing needs are not met then the higher order needs are not considered. So as a Teacher it is important to meet these needs in the first or second meeting and throughout out the length of the programme. I will make sure the learner’s needs are met when planning the initial meeting. Therefore at the same time make sure all parties involved i. managers, supervisors and mentors are made aware and that they agree with the length of meeting and the meeting place for both the learner and I. Part F – Ground rules Ground rules need to be set to establish boundaries for students starting a course, knowing some basics about what is expected during the length of study. In all teaching and training sessions ground rules are necessary to ensure that all learners have the same expectations on how to behave. The ground rules can be established by talking through behavior expectations of the learner and myself.By involving the learner they are more than likely to take ownership and empower the students. Ground Rules that can be : Such as punctuality, mobile phones of or on silent, confidentiality and most of all respect. Parts G and H, Effective Feedback, Engaging and Motivating Learners For every individual there is a variable driving force. Not all students are naturally motivated. Some need to be challenged, inspired and stimulated to learn and see a task through to the end. Not all learners are motivated by the same things some students are motivated by the approval of others or self challenge.To encourage students to become self-motivated, independent learners, as a teacher I can do the following: Give frequent, early,positive and constructive feedback that supports students' beliefs that they can do well. Support learners that need it, keeping in mind their attention span limits and discuss and set together SMART targets. Furthermore, whilst demonstrating all the above and showing respect for the learners/student individuality will in itself be a motivator to learn. Within th e assessment plan you will be making an Assessment decision along with feedback: When giving feedback all learners will need to now how well they are getting on and what they have achieved. I always use the praise sandwich feedback method. This is Praise- Corrective feedback – Praise. This method ‘softens' the impact of the corrective feedback. The key to give effective feedback is to give feedback straight away and to do so with respect, understanding and action. 9As it states in PTLLS handout â€Å"Giving and Receiving Feedback† ‘Feedback is an important communication tool that can improve the way we work with one another. ‘ My organisation requires me to write down feedback on my assessment plans and on formal reviews.Task 3, Part 2 Part A Principles of assessment Initial Assessments are used to check the learners/students Literacy, language and numeracy skills to determine the level at which the learner/student is at and if they have any prior nee ds that need to be addressed before and during the programme. Diagnostics give a more thorough indication of the level and also the specific aspects for development as well as strengths. Identifying learning styles as a part of the initial assessment will help me determine the learning approaches to use and effectively complete the learners Individual Learning Plan (ILP).This is the students' timetable for learning and resources required. There are two well-known types of learning styles questionnaires that are commonly used with in our organisation. They are Visual Audio and Kinaesthetic (VAK) and Multiple Intelligences test. To begin with Fleming (2005) stated â€Å"that people can be grouped into four styles of learning: 6Visual, Aural, Read/write and Kinaesthetic (VARK). Not all learners fall into one style they can be the mixture of the four. In the second place Honey and Mumford (1992) suggests that learners are a mixture of the fours styles: Activist: Love challenges and are enthusiastic, enjoy dealing with new problems Pragmatist: They apply what they have learned to practical situation and enjoy the logical reason for doing something. Theorist: prefer to read lots of material first liking things that have been tried and tested. Reflector: like to think things in depth and then try something then reflect on the activity again. All information gathered from the initial assessment will help complete the ILP.Knowing your learners/students learning styles will help you adapt your teaching to suit their needs and in turn motivate them. Assessment activity: There are various types of assessment methods used both formal and informal . Formal assessment methods include assignments, case studies, essays, exams, multiple choice questions, observations, professional discussions, projects, tests and witness testimonies. Informal assessment methods include; discussions, gapped hangouts, journal diaries, peer assessments, puzzles and crosswords, self assessments, q uestions – oral and written, quizzes, role play and worksheets.I have to choose assessment methods accordingly depending on the student prior attainment and level of programme they are studying. Observation is a good way of assessing the learner within the workplace to assess learners' competence, attitudes and skills. This can then be followed up with oral questioning to confirm why they did or dealt with a certain situation in a particular way, checking their knowledge and understanding and encouraging them to reflect on their practice. If the observation was within a group situation then peer and self-assessment could also be used in conjunction with the observation.By using these methods the student are acquiring listening, observing and questioning skills. . Parts B and D – Creating Assessment Opportunities and Involving Learners in the Assessment Process Planning Training: My role is to plan what will be taught and when. This is a two- way process between me and my student. After completing the initial assessment I progress forward onto Assessment planning. This type of assessment is formative – reviewing progress throughout the programme until the end or when the learner leaves. I will plan what we are going to do so the student knows what is expected of them.If the students are working on assignments then I would need to set targets for completion. Moreover, if students are going to be assessed at work, either by an observation or simulation, then I would need to consider who, what, when, where, why and how to ensure we are both aware of the requirements. When planning I will need to ensure that all assessments are valid, authentic, reliable, current, and sufficient (VARCS). If I do not consider these aspects when planning then I will not know what I am assessing is necessary, credible, fair and relevant.The ILP is a personalised, flexible map to guide the learners journey. Within the ILP there will be results of the initial, and d iagnostic, assessment and learning styles. This will also include learner’s targets, timescales, details of resources and details of how and where the learning will take place. The ILP is a working document and should be used as an aid for both learners and students to record, negotiate and plan, review, assess and reflect on the learning experiences throughout their programme. Summative ssessment ——————————– Part C – Strengths and Limitations of Assessment Methods Assessment: There is a large variety of assessment methods available for assessing learners’ achievements. These include: observation, oral and written questioning, product evidence, discussions, witness testimony, recognising prior learning; skills tests, written assignments and case studies. Choosing the most appropriate assessment methods is vitally important to help and support and maintain motivation.Direct Observation: Allows the assessor to see the candidate in action and may be able to cover several aspects of the qualification during a single session (Holistic) the observation can take place within the learner’s normal working hours so there is minimal disruption as they are able to continue to do their job while being assessed. This should be planned in advance to suit both the learners and the assessor. This will also have to be arranged with the manager. The observation will have to be recorded in some way such as hand written, typed or recorded on DVR.Learners may â€Å"perform† differently as they are being watched. After the observation it is good practice to ask oral questions to clarify the reasons behind the actions. Questioning can take a number of forms. They can be delivered orally or in written form. Oral questions may suit learners with dyslexia or poor literacy skills. Workbooks can be produced to cover all knowledge questions for mandatory and optional units. After Observation the learner can be asked to explain why they did something; this gives them an opportunity to expand on things like procedures, policies or legislation.Part E Peer and self-assessment I use self – assessment on a regular basis as this promotes students involvement and responsibility and encourages reflection which is an integral part of the role as a childcare practitioner. However there are also limitations depending on the students as some students may lack confidence in their own ability and they may think that they have achieved more than they actually have Peer and self-assessment could also be used in conjunction with an observation. To make this a reliable assessment method he student will have to fully understand the assessment criteria and how to be fair and objective. There are many advantages and disadvantage of peer assessment. Students are focused on the criteria and this will empower each student to take ownership of their own learning and understan ding. A disadvantage is that student might be friends with their peers therefore being subjective rather than objective. Part F – Keeping Records of Assessments Quality and Evaluation: Record keeping. Is a part of quality assurance and is a process that has to be followed.This proves that the qualifications are being delivered and assessed fairly, consistently and accurately. This is in line with the Ofsted requirements. Within our organisation we use a variety of methods to maintain quality assurance. Our policies and procedures are revised yearly in order to test their current effectiveness and legality. If they need to be changed due to changes in legislation then this would be actioned immediately. The TC will be observed at regular intervals and scored using the Ofsted grading process.Staff Continuous Professional Development (CPD) records are kept up to date. Standardisation of practice takes place this is when will compare and conform procedures. Learner retention is m onitored along with complaints and appeals. During the course learner and employers surveys are completed. Quality Assurance is necessary to evaluate and Maintain high teaching standards. On all visits I will need to complete an assessment plan, records must be up to date, accurate, legible and factual.This is similar to a written contract between me and my learner but this can be reviewed and changed at any time. All assessment plan will be shared with my manager and mentor to confirm progress and to point out any areas of development needed for the learner to progress. Both the learner their manager will sign and be given a copy Word Count References Anne Gravells (2012), Preparing to Teach in the Life long sector: London,SAGE. 11. 1. Handout from Pttls course Teaching and Learning. 2. Handout from Pttls course Insitute For Learning. . Handout form Pttls course Teaching and teacher education. 4. Handout from Pttls course, The Learning Journer. 5. Handout from Pttls course, Maslow Hierarchy of needs. 6. Handout from Pttls courser VAK testing. 7. Anne Gravells (2012), Preparing to Teach in the Life long sector: London,SAGE. 32. 8. Anne Gravells (2012), Preparing to Teach in the Life long sector:London,SAGE. 112. 9. Handout from Pttls course giving and recieving feedback, Bibliography Anne Gravells (2012), Preparing to Teach in the Life long sector,: London,SAGE.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Productive and Counterproductive Behavior

Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors An organization will have employees with one of two behavior types. They can either be productive or counterproductive. The root cause of counterproductive behavior can be rooted in employee turnover, attendance issues, or lack of training. It is up to the organization to make an attempt to identify what the causes of their employees’ counterproductive behavior and attempt to find a workable solution. Productive Behavior and its Impact on an Organization Employers want productive behavior out of their employees because productive employees create revenue for the organization. However, employees tend to think just because they are doing â€Å"something† and not idle they are being productive. Their way of thinking would be incorrect. Productive behavior is â€Å"employee behavior that contributes positively to the goals and objectives of the organization† (Jex & Britt, 2008). As we can see merely doing something to occupy ones time is not being productive. Whether or not an employee is being productive can be measured by the cost associated with the employee’s performance and how effective they are. For example, there are two employees in a shoe store with similar sales figures and they sell the same number of shoes each month. The only difference in these two employees is that employee A works ten hours per day and employee B works a six-hour day. Employee B is the more productive employee because employee B accomplishes the same goal in fewer hours. There is a lower cost associated with employee B making him the more productive employee. Efficient employees are productive because they complete large amount of work in a short period of time. When employees are being productive they are concentrating on performing â€Å"core tasks† (Jex & Britt, 2008) and are bringing in revenue for the organization. An organization with productive employees will see less employee absences and in their turnover rate. Counterproductive Behavior Counterproductive behavior is â€Å"behavior that explicitly runs counter to the goals of an organization† (Jex & Britt, 2008). Employees who are counterprodtive may be employees who have issues with absenteeism or frequently tardy, substance abuse, they may steal from the employer, or simply have â€Å"ineffective job performance† (Jex & Britt, 2008). Any behavior that prevents an employee from conducting their job and producing for the employer is considered counterproductive. An Employee who take all day to complete a task because they are there all day and getting paid by the hour is an employee that is counterproductive. Another behavior that is counterproductive is an employee that uses unsafe practices at work. By not following safety rules employees can cause an injury to themselves or to another causing the employee to miss work. As previously stated, absenteeism is a counterproductive behavior. Strategies to Increase Productive Behavior To increase productive behavior in an organization and decrease counterproductive behavior an organization must investigate the cause. Sometimes the reason an employee is counterproductive are out of the employees’ control. For situations that are within the employees’ control, the organization must clearly outline their expectations for their employees. An organization must also outline the consequences for such negative behavior. Drug and alcohol testing and an attendance guidelines policy can be established. These policies will let the employee know what is expected of them and the consequences for not complying. The organization should also make efforts to understand why their employees are not coming to work (Associated Content, 2007). There are times when a personal issue can have its affect on an employees’ behavior. An organization can begin an employee assistance program that would offer counseling to employees if such a program were within the organizations budget. Lack of training and the appropriate tools for performing necessary job functions are factors that are out of the employees’ control. The organization needs to ensure all of their employees have all the proper tools. They can easily do a visual survey and question employees asking them what tools they could use to better perform their job function. Organizations must also ensure all of their employees have the proper training. If employees are not adequately trained they do not know how to perform their job functions. Organizations must adequately train or retrain if necessary any and all employees that require training. At times performing follow up training with all employees ensures employees are all on the same page as far as what their specific job functions are. Performance appraisals also need to be performed on all employees in order for them to know how they are performing in according with their job expectations. These performance appraisals will also serve as a tool to help the employee improve their performance and productivity. A performance appraisal should also be used to praise employees and let them know what they are doing that makes a positive impact on the organization (hrVillage, n. d. ). Both of productive and counterproductive behaviors have their impact on an organization. There are a number of reasons an employee can be counterproductive. Once the root cause has been identified an organization can begin to turn the counterproductive behavior into productive behavior. References Associated Content. (2007). Call Centers: 6 Steps to Improving Employee Attendance and Performance. Retrieved, March 29, 2010, from http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/189770/call_centers_6_steps_to_improving_employee. html? cat=31 hrVillage. (n. d. ). Employee Productivity. Retrieved, March 29, 2010, from http://www. hrvillage. com/human-resources/employee-productivity. htm Jex, S. M. &Britt, T. W. (2008). Organizational psychology: A scientist-practitioner approach, 2nd ed. New Jersey: John Wiley and sons.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Votre Sante Teaching Note Essay Example for Free

A Votre Sante Teaching Note Essay ? Additionally, the case questions require both quantitative and qualitative analyses of the business issues faced by AVS. AVS has been used in a graduate-level managerial accounting class for MBAs, and would be most appropriate for an advanced undergraduate or a graduate-level accounting or MBA course. The detail in the case is rich enough to support a variety of analyses. Alternative uses could be to have the student construct a cost of goods manufactured statement or a traditional financial statement, both of which reinforce the differences between product and period costs. Additionally, alternative decision analysis questions could be developed using the variable and fixed cost structures described in the case. Case question number two is only one example of a potential decision analysis question. The contribution margin income statement (Teaching Note Exhibit 1) is fairly straightforward, with the following concepts or calculations causing the most difficulty: The inclusion of liquor taxes and sales commissions in variable costs: These are both period expenses, but are clearly based upon the number of bottles sold, and therefore are included in the variable costs. Where to include the wine master expense: Since the wine master is paid according to number of blends, not number of bottles, this expense is listed as a fixed cost. Arguably, it could be listed as a variable cost, given that the cost will be based on the number of wines produced. As part of the discussion we will examine the rationale behind listing wine master as a fixed or a variable expense. Barrel expense: The case states that the barrels produce the equivalent of 40 cases of wine. A case of wine is post-fermentation/bottling and therefore after the 10% loss has occurred. The barrels contain the wine at the start of the process. Therefore, there have to be enough barrels to hold all the wine at the beginning of the process, not at the end. This factor results in 63 (62.5) barrels being required for the harvest2. Teaching Note Exhibit 1: Contribution Margin Income Statement Part b asks, â€Å"What is the maximum amount that AVS would pay to buy an additional pound of Chardonnay grapes?† There are three parts to calculating this answer: the benefit from the additional Chardonnay wine to be sold, the relevant costs related to producing this wine and the opportunity cost of not producing as much Blanc de Blanc wine. Teaching Note: Exhibit 2 displays the calculations relevant to this decision. Chardonnay regular wine requires a 2 to 1 mixture of Chardonnay and generic white grapes. Therefore, the 18,000 pounds of Chardonnay grapes will be combined with 9,000 pounds of generic white grapes. The 27,000 pounds of grapes will result in an additional 9,000 bottles of new Chardonnay regular wine being produced. However, it will also result in a 3,000-bottle decrease in the amount of Blanc de Blanc wine produced, since some generic grapes will now be used for the Chardonnay-regular wine. Recall that only Chardonnay wine is processed in barrels. A Votre Sante Teaching Note. (2016, May 31).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Intercultural Conflict Resolution in Schools Assignment

Intercultural Conflict Resolution in Schools - Assignment Example Note that for research purposes, the real names of respondents were replaced. Justine: These programs help to establish peace, remove vehemence and create healthy relationships among students. In schools where cultural conflict is low, programs such as the Resolving Conflict Creatively Program (RCCP) have been implemented to help bring an understanding between students of different cultures. Justine: The schools address cultural conflicts by making sure these programs are run and encouraging teachers and parents to respect the diverse cultures within each school system. This starts by learning of the practices in other people’s cultures in order to ensure awareness. For instance, one’s culture may permit interaction of both sexes both in classroom sitting arrangements and the playgrounds while another culture is against this. The awareness by the students will ensure that the activities conducted by the students do not bring conflicts among them. The school should implement policies that respect each culture. They should educate on the harms of intercultural conflicts and penalize those who are intolerant to coexistence. Justine: The beliefs of some cultures lead to intercultural conflicts. This is for instance, in cases where big Korean girls share the same school with smaller Korean girls. According to their beliefs, the bigger girls are allowed to assault the smaller ones in case they believe they do not receive enough respect from them. This leads to conflicts. Justine: Students experience different conflicts in relation to cultural difference. These include socio-economic status conflicts, for instance as seen between Iranians and Soviet Armenians who share same cultural views but the conflict in socio-economic status from back in their communities. Conflicts are also evident in the formation of cliques, the rise of fights, formation of gangs, and even in assigning homework.

Marketing Planning and Strategy LASA2 (Marketing Plan)2 Assignment

Marketing Planning and Strategy LASA2 (Marketing Plan)2 - Assignment Example On the other hand, the company enjoys other opportunities which it has been able to make good use of to make BMW among the most powerful market share holders in the world. In analyzing both the strengths and weaknesses within the marketing strategy of the company, proposals are made on the possible ideal practices that would improve the quality of products and expand the market of the companys products. BMW is among the leading producers of cars of premium standards within the automotive industry. The company is distinguished from the rest by its unique design, luxurious and high quality approach of its products (Curnow, 2007). The company has been subjected to a healthy competition from other market actors, especially in the form of low-price substitutes, which is the biggest threat to the company’s products. However, BMW has often demonstrated strength in the financial results hence retaining much of its shares in the market. This paper aims at analyzing the BMW marketing strategy, the strengths and weaknesses of such practices in its quest to maintain relevance in the flooded automotive market (Evans, 2008). In addition to this, the paper proposes the probable changes that could enhance the efficiency of the company as far as adapting to the current market dynamicity is concerned, as evident through the current mix in the market. BMW is one of the most coveted and strong manufacturers of cars in the world. The company boasts of a strong financial performance as compared to its competitors, which has undoubtedly enhanced the loyalty level among its customers (Papasolomou and Kitchen, 2011). It is on this basis that the company has been often ranked as one of the companies with high customer satisfaction indexes in the world. While many large manufacturers of cars struggle with the unstable market, which has led to fall in the sales, profit and market shares, BMW continues to enjoy expansion and growth in its motor production (Gabrielsson, Gabrielsson and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

MICROBIOLOGY Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

MICROBIOLOGY - Coursework Example Catalase test is used to identify organisms that are capable of producing catalase enzyme. The enzyme converts toxic H2O2 into water and oxygen and thereby prevent the formation of highly dangerous hydroxyl radicals. 2H2O2 Catalase 2H2O + O2 To test catalase activity, the culture must be of 18- 24 hour as old culture lose catalase activity and may display false negative test. The emerging bubbles in catalase positive test is due to the formation of oxygen gas. Aerobic bacteria in general display catalase positive test while most of the anaerobes are deficient in catalase enzyme indicating the sensitivity of anaerobic bacteria towards oxygen. E.g. Catalase positive organisms are Micrococcus spp. and Staphylococcus spp. Catalase negative organisms are Enterococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. Bacto Agar or plain agar is used for the study as it contains calcium and magnesium. On the contrary, blood agar are unsuitable to carryout catalase test as blood contains catalase (Web: Catalase t est, n.d.; Pelczar, 1993). 2. Explain the principle of Oxidase test. Oxidase test is a test for the presence of cytochrome oxidase (playing vital role in electron transport chain or ETC) which catalyses oxidation of reduced cytochrome by oxygen. Cytochrome oxidase transports electrons from the ETC to oxygen, the terminal electron acceptor. The principle is utilized to test the organisms for the production of cytochrome oxidase. To test this ability of microorganisms, artificial electron donors and acceptors are provided. As soon as the electron donor (1.0-1.5 percent solution of tetramethyl p-phenylene diamine hydrochloride) is poured over the colonies, it is oxidized by cytochrome oxidase. Oxidase positive colonies become maroon, purple and black in 10-30 minutes (Pelczar MJ. 1993). E.g. Members of Pseudomonadaceae and Enterobacteriaceae are oxidase positive (Pelczar, 1993). 3. Explain how Oxoid Chromogenic UTI media (Clear) works. Oxoid Chromogenic UTI media is a nonselective medi um to isolate, differentiate and enumerate the pathogens prevalent in urinary tract and are responsible for urinary tract infection. The medium facilitates the differentiation and identification of E. coli and Enterococcus without undergoing confirmatory tests (Web. Dehydrated Culture Media, n.d.). The principle utilized is based on the difference in susceptibility prototypes of the microorganisms. For the efficacy of antimicrobial therapy, the organism must be identified to the species level. However, the prevalent species Enterococcus spp. and Escherichia spp. produce enzymes for the metabolism of glucosidase or lactose or both and aids identification. On the contrary other microorganisms may not produce enzyme for such substrate fermentation (Web. Dehydrated Culture Media, n.d.). The chromogen mixture present in the Oxoid Chromogenic UTI media (Clear) comprises artificial substrates or chromogens which are responsible for releasing different colored compounds when specific microb ial enzymes released by Enterococcus spp. and Escherichia spp act on substrate molecules, thereby a differentiation process works for the detection of certain species or a group of microorganism (Isenberg and Garcia, 2004). For instance the chromogen X-glucoside is a substrate for ?-glucosidase enzyme of enterococci which form blue colonies while chromogen red-galactoside is utilized by enzyme ?-galactoside generated

Friday, July 26, 2019

Relection paper on case hospital strategy for survival Research

Relection on case hospital strategy for survival - Research Paper Example Public hospitals were faced with a serious shortage of funds to support their operations. Most of them ended up shutting down permanently, while other merged with various institutions in order to stay afloat (Scott 3). It is interesting to note that despite the fact that O’Brien was backed up by City officials, they still required him to prove the economic viability of the Cambridge Hospital. Being a director of a public health institution, the challenges were endless. Private hospitals were not making the situation easier as they sought to conquer the territories that were previously held by public hospitals (Scott 6). The journey of keeping the hospital afloat has been far from easy. The management has tried severally but the challenges have been persistent. Despite the financial challenges, the City Council of Cambridge has been seen to interfere with the smooth operations of the hospital. The scrutiny on the hospital’s budget by the city council was somewhat obsessive (Scott 15). It would have been easy for any CEO of a public hospital to give up and walk away when faced with such challenges such as lack of support from the city government and patients. The hospital should be lauded for its endless efforts such as strong campaigns to attract and retain customers. The innovative programs also contributed to the success of the hospital. Just as the CEO reflected, having observed the course of the hospital’s progress, there are many issues of optimism and concern (Scott 20). One such issue of concern is the nature of health care over the years and the relationship with the city council. This case should be an eye opener to all public institutions that are being faced with challenges of surviving. The only question I have is why there have to be so many challenges to the process of reviving a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Philippine American history Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Philippine American history - Research Paper Example Existing studies are branded as â€Å"sketchy, superficial, and flawed in their methodology as well as their assumptions. Lamenting this neglect in the literature, the Filipinos ought to be considered as â€Å"forgotten Asian Americans† that â€Å"very little significant has been considered on them† and that in this group there is â€Å"no history, no nothing†. The institutional invisibility of the Filipinos and Philippines is considered to be connected to the historical amnesia as well as the self-erasure of the United States colonization of the Philippines and associated imperialism. From a cultural perspective, the academic neglect of the Filipinos results from the erroneous assumptions on the lack of authentic indigenous culture from the Philippines. This echoes the contention considered by researchers and anthropologists ignoring the group because they are considered to be â€Å"too westernized with no culture of their own.† Thus, this suggests that the history of Filipinos ought to be well understood within the context of the colonial and postcolonial associations exis ting between the united states and the Philippines (Lee, 366). Filipino Americans started settling after the Philippines were accepted as a territory of the United Kingdom in 1898. The Filipinos arrived as labors for the domestic and agricultural plantations as well as students. By 1930, the number of the Filipinos numbered to 45,026. Since then the population has grown tremendously. In 1970, the number of Filipinos was estimated to be 336,731, and it has numbered at least seven times to 2.4 million today making up almost 1 percent of the national population in the United States (Liu et al., 233). The Filipinos population is composed of the native Japanese and Hawaii population and the Hapas, who constitute at least 22 percent of the Filipino population in America. Due to the integration of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Improvement measures on Sight Savers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Improvement measures on Sight Savers - Essay Example cult for the organization to exhibit effective governance The organization is also grappling with how to leave their finances to professional outsiders without losing control of the organization’s activities. Sight Savers International can use several key performance indicators to define, as well as measure their progress towards their goals. In order to plan for an uncertain future, one thing that they have to do is improve the level of confidence and trust in the organization from the public. The first KPI here is the overall level of confidence and trust in their charity organization from the public, which they can carry out using an independent survey every two years (Marr, 2012: p22). Their target here should be to improve their ratings continuously over their 2007 baseline. The second KPI would be a survey by stakeholders of the effectiveness of their charity sector’s main regulator, which would also be carried out by an independent survey (Marr, 2012: p22). They should also measure the confidence and trust in their charity as compared with other professions and organizations every two years in order to be informed on their standing. The organization should also seek to achieve service delivery standards that are acceptable to their main clients. Their first KPI under this strategy would be the percentage of their clients who said that they did a commendable job across their area of operation (Molyneaux, 2009: p11). Second would be the average individual or charity rating at initial contact point who said that their services as provided were those that they required. Third would be the increase in use of their services across their area of operations. They should also use the average time that they take to deal with issues brought up by their clients as a key... The first KPI here is the overall level of confidence and trust in their charity organization from the public, which they can carry out using an independent survey every two years (Marr, 2012: p22). Their target here should be to improve their ratings continuously over their 2007 baseline. The second KPI would be a survey by stakeholders of the effectiveness of their charity sector’s main regulator, which would also be carried out by an independent survey (Marr, 2012: p22). They should also measure the confidence and trust in their charity as compared with other professions and organizations every two years in order to be informed on their standing.The organization should also seek to achieve service delivery standards that are acceptable to their main clients. Their first KPI under this strategy would be the percentage of their clients who said that they did a commendable job across their area of operation (Molyneaux, 2009: p11). Second would be the average individual or char ity rating at initial contact point who said that their services as provided were those that they required. Third would be the increase in use of their services across their area of operations. They should also use the average time that they take to deal with issues brought up by their clients as a key performance indicator. Another key performance indicator would be the increase in the publications that they send out directly to their client base on the services that they provide (Molyneaux, 2009: p11).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Osteomyelitis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Osteomyelitis - Term Paper Example Various types of osteomyelitis are there and some are more prone to strike children like hematogenous osteomyelitis while direct trauma and contiguous focus osteomyelitis are more likely to be found in adults (King & Johnson, n.d.). Epidemiological Overview Process Ostermyelitis is a disease associated with bones. It is an infection that affects the bones and which occurs as a result of bacteria or other germs. Fungi can also cause this disease. Bacteria can spread to a bone in various manners. Skin that is suffering from infection can spread bacteria to a bone. Bacteria can also reach the bone from muscles or tendons that are placed near the bone. This disease can also happen under a skin sore. The infection can actually happen in any area of the body and from that area the infection can be carried to the bone by blood. There is another way this infection can start and that is from complications arising from surgery of the bone. The risk of this infection tends to gets more likely i f the surgery is done after there is an injury. Infection can also happen from metal rods and plates that are placed in the bone to fix fracture of the bone. In case of children, this disease more often occurs in the long bones of the arms or legs which give strength and provides mobility. Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis can mostly be seen in children. Direct trauma and contiguous focus osteomyelitis affect mostly adults and adolescents. (Osteomyelitis, 2012) Morbidity of the disease can be substantial. The infection can spread in a localized manner to the related soft tissues of joints. The infection can also end up as a chronic infection causing acute pain and can cause disability. The areas of the body that gets extremely infected may have the need to be amputated to stop the spread of the infection to other parts of the body. The infection can also be generalized or sepsis. Figures show that around 10 to 15 percent of patients who have this disease in the bones of their vertebr a can develop disorder in the nervous system or frank spinal-cord compression. Recent studies have shown that complications in the vascular system seem to be more common with community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) than it was earlier known. Patients suffering from osteomyelitis generally have low rates of mortality unless there is an associated sepsis. The disease can also be mortal if the patient has a history of a prevalent medical condition (King & Johnson, n.d.). Osteomyelitis in children In children, this disease is more commonly carried by blood and is typically found in long bones like the femur, tibia and humerus. Generally bacteria enter the bones of children through surgical manipulations or penetrating wounds. In case of infants, this disease can spread more as the anatomical resistance power to deflect infection is less in infants. Osteomyelitis is more focal in older children with fever and bacteremia as common symptoms (Kaplan, 2005, p p.787-788). Pathophysiologic Processes Risk Factors The common risk factors for osteomyelitis are diabetis, poor blood supply, injury received in recent past and use of illegal drugs by means of injection. People whose spleen has been removed are also vulnerable to osteomyelitis. (Osteomyelitis,

Columbine High School Essay Example for Free

Columbine High School Essay You are a sociologist who is interested in studying school violence. Describe how you might approach the study of this phenomenon as a functionalist, a conflict theorist and a symbolic interaction’. â€Å"Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.† Martin Luther King Jr. The problem we are facing today with violence in the schools is a major concern with communities everywhere. School violence has escalated from one-on-one weaponless fights for personal disagreements with said person; this is no longer the case. Due to the outward influences of media, video games, and society in general, this has escalated into all-out, deadly weapon assaults on innocent lives for reasons they themselves are usually unaware for example Columbine High School massacre and Montreal, Canada shooting. Sociologist; however have developed different approaches to evaluate the phenomenon through different perspective; functionalist, conflict theorist and symbolic integrationist, which would be aptly discussed in the proceeding paragraphs. Functionalist look at the implications of crime and control polices rather than directly trying to explain the causes of the behavior. According to Parson Model a social system consist of mutually dependant parts, parts contributing to functioning of system and moving equilibrium. However pertaining to the issue of school violence, I would, following the functionalist perspective look at school violence as way to return to stability within a society thus keeping proper balance . Therefore I would view it as a positive, because the disturbance (school violence) exists more dangerously it encourages the society to come up with better solutions to elevate the problem so it encourages progress. For examples the Columbine Massac with occurred lead to new ideas to combat school violence .A number of new programs were introduced, emphasis was placed on better parenting skills, keeping guns out of hands of kids ,better school security, more counseling programs and bett3er preventative measure, etc. When these methods were implemented no action to that extreme occurred within that society so their fore the youth violence was reduced and the society moved and the society in return became a better place and progress was made. Conflict perspective holds that stratification is dysfunctional and harmful in society, with inequality  perpetuated because it benefits the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor. A struggle for dominance among competing social groups (classes, genders, races, religions, etc.). When conflict theorists look at society, they see the social domination of subordinate groups through the power, authority, and coercion of dominant groups. As it results to school violence using the conflict theorist approach, I would say the violence will only exist at level of exploitation and unworthy or treated unfairly compared to other children they felt a level of inequality and they reacted in a way to gain power over the people who inflicted pain upon them. For example let’s take the Columbine shooting, according to the conflict theorist perspective say that the shootings were inevitable as the exploited, bullied kids eventually had enough and rose up against the bourgeoisie, or the kids that did the bullying. Eric Harris one of the boys who participated the shooting opened his journal with the words I hate the fing world. Showing high levels of hatred to which he portrayed, he wanted to get back at every one who did him wrong. After analyzing the two individual’s journals it was clear cut that they both had problem with society and somehow they did them something which infiltrated this hate for them. So we can see the reason for them to perform these atrocious acts were to gain a sense of dominances in their mind over these people. When doing the act we see the boys smiling while people were being hurting showing a sign of relief in their face and sense of happiness to them that they revenge to the world for inflicting so much of pain upon them. Analyzing them for a conflict theorist point of view I would say the reason for the boys committing suicide after was to get away from everything they already accomplished the goal they wanted so they decided to end their life what more is there to live for when victory was served? Symbolic integrationist view relies on the symbolic meaning that people develop and rely upon in the process of social interaction. Thus, society is thought to be socially constructed through human interpretation. Symbolic interaction view school violence as

Monday, July 22, 2019

Assessment methods, their merits and demerits Essay Example for Free

Assessment methods, their merits and demerits Essay Mainly, three types of assessments are in practice, initial, formative and summative assessment. Initial assessment can be a formal or informal process of identifying each learner’s strengths and help them to understand their areas of development, and the setting action plan accordingly. In formative assessment, teacher or assessor monitor students learning performance during the learning time against a set criteria. Students struggling areas are identified by feedback records and action plan for teachers to adopt teaching strategies and student to motivate for more study is adjusted. In Summative assessment, teacher evaluates the learner’s performance at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against a standard and other students’ performance. Summative assessments are high stakes or high point values and include: a)Written exams b)Quizzes c)Dissertations and projects d)Instead of comparing the advantages and disadvantages of these assessment types, I would prefer to discuss assessment instruments I used in these assessments and talk about their merits and demerits. Assessment typeStrengthLimitations 1.Written exams 1. Good tool to assess students’ knowledge without guessing. 2. It forces student to think and articulate that thinking. 3. Take less time to create test as compared to MCQ where assessor has to make more choices and student will choose one. 4. Teacher can provide better feedback on answers. 1. These tests needs language skills with and ESL students can’t demonstrate their capabilities. 2. These tests are time bounds and a slow writing student may not able to show his full knowledge. 3. Performance in these test based on memorizing facts instead of showing creativity. Assessment typeStrengthLimitations 2.Oral Exams1. This format decreases miscommunication and misunderstanding  while questioning or answering. 2. Student doesn’t need to follow any set lines for answer. 3. Give more chances to examiner to ask how student came to this answer. 4. More assessors can take part in this format. 5. More areas can be covered in less time. 1. Could be biased and less fair result oriented. 2. Requires a trained examiner to set such format which cost more. 3. Shy students can be distracted by other factors and c\they may not give their fullest. Assessment typeStrengthLimitations 3. Portfolios1. Assess and promote critical thinking. 2. Give opportunity learner to be self-directed, active, peer -supported and independent. 3. More than one assessor validates the performance. 4.Promotes creativity and problem solving 5. can be used to assess professional and personal development.1. Difficult to identify whether this is student’s own effort or somebody else’s. 2. Involve large amount of paper work which gives less time to focus on course. 3. Reliability issues. 4. Student can easily hide their weaknesses in this type of assessment. Assessment typeStrengthLimitations 4. Projects and dissertations1. All round ability testing i.e practical, analytical and interpretative skills. 2. Teaches students time management and if in group then teaches leadership and team work skills. 3. Increase motivation to complete task quickly and in time.1. Making of such format assessment is hectic and time consuming. 2. Validity and reliability of assessment is not high as compared to other formats. 3. If resources not available to learning, performance will be compromised. In my teaching career, I have gone through all above mentioned assessment tools and found written exams are widely used in many parts of world. People love written exams because they pile up work and when exam is near, they memorize it and ready for exam, no creative work during the term just collecting the notes. Trend is slightly changing in the world and other assessment tools are in practice, mostly university are assessing courses by  assignments, project and dissertations and these formats require continuous study and work that’s develop students other skills along with the completion of these tasks.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Beowulf The Perfect Hero English Literature Essay

Beowulf The Perfect Hero English Literature Essay What is a hero. Directly defined from the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a hero is a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability. A great display of heroism and what it truly means to be a hero was captured in a long poem, Beowulf, which was close to being lost during a fire in 1731 in the Cotton Library (Foster). All of the attributes in which a hero should have are possessed by Beowulf, such as loyalty, courage, and strength. Beowulf presents a journey of a warrior that transforms himself into a unforgettable hero. The epic of Beowulf perfectly captured and paved the way for all heroes. The first attribute to a good hero is being loyal to the people around you, no matter the circumstance. In the very beginning of the poem we see the first signs of loyalty when Beowulf sails for land of the Danes. The family ties between that of Hrothgars family and Beowulfs is enough for Beowulf to go with his men and risk his life to help (Foster). Not only does this support and show how Beowulf was loyal but it shows us the mind set of how people thought in that time period. These morals and values which you begin to see in Beowulf also reflect some of the ideas and beliefs of Anglo-Saxons England, the time period in which Beowulf is believed to be set in (Foster). Once he arrives on the shore of Denmark he announces: We belong by birth to the Geat people And owe allegiance to Lord Hygelac. In his day, my father was a famous man, a noble warrior-lord named Ecgtheow. (260-263) Loyalty emerges again when Beowulf prepares to fight Grendel, Edward Foster writes Beowulf confronts that physical evil and, bolstered by lineage and loyalty, routs the inimical force with which all people must contend (Foster). What Edward Foster is saying is, Beowulf needs to stay loyal to Hrothgar as well as protect his families reputation; Beowulf must go through with his fight and defeat Grendel. After Beowulf had defeated Grendel he speaks to Horthgar in lines 1826-1829 saying: If ever I hear from across the ocean That people on your borders are threatening battle As attackers have done from time to time, I shall land with a thousand thanes at my back This passage continues to show Beowulfs continued loyalty to Hrothgar even after defeating Grendel and his mother. Jacqueline Vaught wrote in her criticism Beowulf: The Fight at the Center, In a poem so obviously concerned with social loyalty, the fact Beowulf is alone when he enters the mere is one of the largest signals that his experinces there are central to the meaning of the poem (Vaught). Hrothgar isnt the only person in the poem in which Beowulf swears loyalty to. Richard Schrader wrote in his analysis of Beowulf, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦never indicating that he wants to take over and his stressing his loyalty to Hygelac upon returning to his home (Schrader). Even towards end of his life, coincidentally towards the end of the poem, Beowulf shows loyalty to his people. When a thief steals the goblet guarded by a dragon it begins to terrorize the people of Geatland. In return Beowulf, much older now, suits up and sets out to defeat the dragon. The men with Beowulf refuse to go in to fig ht the dragon, all but one, whom shows loyalty to his leader. Loyalty, a recurring theme in this poem pushes the two men to defeat the dragon at the expense of Beowulfs life. Another, trait that contributed to Beowulfs heroism is his courage and lack of fear. One instance where Beowulf displays his courage was during the swimming match in lines 530-580. Not only was he swimming for five days and five nights but during the race he decides to stop and fight sea monsters as stated in lines 559-5641: Time and again, foul things attacked me, lurking and stalking, but I lashed out, gave as good as I got with my sword. My flesh was not for feasting on, there would be no monsters gnawing and gloating Over their banquet at the bottom of the sea. When is was time to fight Grendel, a descendent of Cain, Beowulf refused to wear armor or use any weapons because Grendel himself did not wear armor or have any weapons. The poem goes beyond belief to sell the point that Beowulf was truly afraid of nothing even making him seem godlike in a way. When the time comes to fight Grendels mother must separate himself from society to the cave in which she lives in (Vaught). Essentially in his epic adventure in being the perfect hero, Beowulf needs to man up and become a monster himself (Vaught). The final act of courage displayed by Beowulf was when he was at his weakest, weakened by old age. With a bunch of cowardly men as described in lines 2596-2601: No help or backing was to be had then from his highborn comrades; that hand-picked troop broke ranks and ran for their lives to the safety of the wood. But within one heart sorrowed welled up: in a man of worth the claims of kinship cannot be denied. No matter the circumstance Beowulf, even with the feeling of death among him, he went out on the quest to destroy the dragon terrorizing his people. He along, with Wiglaf, were the only two men with the courage to face the dragon and kill it for their peoples protection. The whole epic poem is a timeline of the development of a perfect hero. Each of the three battles contributed to the creation of the perfect hero. When he first comes Beowulf is a war hardened warrior but still needs to prove and make a name for him self. In the first battle with Grendel, Jacqueline Vaught does a great job pointing out Beowulf does not fulfill his quest as the hero-precisely because he is still within society, literally inside the walls of Herot and the circle of his men (Vaught). What you can take away from that is, although Beowulf wanted to even the playing field per say by taking off his armor and fighting Grendel bare handed, he still had home court advantage and still had all his men within Herot Hall. The real test came in the next great battle of Beowulfs against Grendels mother where he had to venture to a new undiscovered and unknown place. This is where you begin to see Beowulf grow as a hero and a character because for the first time he is really challeng ed. His transformation here was put best by Vaught when she wrote: As he enters the mere, Beowulf makes his journey inward. Rapidly he discovers that neither society nor even his own physical strength can help him in this internal battle. But when he stands, he also finds the center of himself, the strength of his unyielding will (Vaught) Still though, Beowulf relies on a sword made by giants to defeat the monster. Taylor Culbert summed it up best when saying Whereas the first two battles reveal  Beowulf  in the role of youthful warrior, the dragon fight displays his exemplary behavior as a mature king (Culbert). The last dragon he defeats is where the perfect hero is born and at the same time killed. It was when Beowulf knew he wasnt going to make it yet willed himself onward to help defeat the dragon that the perfect hero was made. Family and lineage was an important factor when determining whether or not someone could be a hero in the Anglo-Saxon culture. Throughout the poem, before Beowulf would speak, it would refer to him as Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow. This shows the importance of lineage along with other things. For example after the watchmen, Wulfgar, told Hrothgar of Beowulfs lineage, Hrothgar sends the reply: My lord, the conquering king of the Danes, Bids me announce that he knows your ancestry; Also that he welcomes you here to Herot And salutes your arrival from across the sea. (391-394) The hero in Anglo-Saxon culture is expected to carry about revenge in honor of family and to show loyalty (Foster). Some may have a different view of Beowulf and may see him as an arrogant character that only cares about glory. This is a valid point, but regardless Beowulf put the people first and protected them during all his fights. During his fight with Grendels mom Beowolf had no audience to see him defeat her, this shows that although he may care about being remembered, he cares more about his loyalty to Hrothgar and his people. Another relative point can be made during the fight against Grendel. During this fight the poet only regards Beowulfs point of view in four passages, as pointed out by Charles Moorman (Culbert). Also it is fair to point out that it was selfish of Beowulf to try and defeat the last dragon when he was old of age. But if it were not going to be Beowulf to defeat this dragon, who else would have? Clearly everyone else was afraid of it as was pointed out above during the passage in which all his cowardly men left him to go in alone with Wiglaf. The dragon would have contin ued to terrorize the people and set villages on fire. It was a necessary sacrifice to go and die for his people. The qualities of loyalty, courage and nobility all play key factors into the development of a perfect hero in Beowulf. In this epic poem he takes a journey to unknown lands and displays these characteristics in many ways. He was loyal to the Danes and helped them during a time where they lived in fear for their lives. He was courageous and didnt back down from any fight, even risking his life at times to give his opposition a fair fight. Beowulf proved to be a noble man and represent his lineage with great pride. The epic of Beowulf perfectly captured and paved the way for all heroes. As he was dying in the cave with Wiglaf by his side, Wiglaf refused to take Beowulfs treasures (Schrader). Being the only one of Beowulfs kinsmen to go in with him this man, Wiglaf, is set up to be the next perfect hero. Beowulf proved to be a legendary figure and displayed his ability of great strength many times, transforming himself into one of the greatest heroes of all time.

Saturday, July 20, 2019


Since 1982, the National Institute of Mental Health, along with other reputable health organizations has collected data that connects media violence, with violent acts. Conclusions deduced from this data prove that violent programs on television lead to aggressive behavior by children and teenagers who watch those programs. Television violence affects young people of all ages, all socio-economic levels, and all levels of intelligence. Today’s children view vast amounts of violence on television. A steady diet of death, killings, torture, and other grotesque acts may be viewed on any day by vulnerable youth. When children are young, they are impressionable to all their surroundings, and especially vulnerable to what they see. Scientific research validates this fact. In studies by the National Institute of Mental Health, educators have learned that children who watch violence often act out this violence. Parents today have a responsibility to ensure their children are supervised when watching violent programs if they are allowed to watch these programs at all. When parents are in the room with children, parents should point out to children that television is not real. Children tend to see television as real life, and lack the maturity to differentiate the difference between news and fiction programs on television. Studies by George Gerbner, Ph.D., at the University of Pennsylvania, have shown that children’s television shows contain about twenty violent acts each hour and that children who watch a lot of television are more likely to think that the world is a mean and dangerous place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Society sees many tragic examples of research findings on youth and television violence. One such example occurred in Allentown, Pennsylvania in 1999. At the time, Justin Douglas was a cute, intelligent five-year-old little boy with loving parents and a safe; middle class home. One day, Justin watched his favorite cartoon heroes; Beavis and Butt-head, on MTV perform one of their famous arson stunts. The cartoon program, created for a mature audience, often contains foul language, drinking, comments about setting fires, smoking, and portrays stealing as acceptable. Justin tried the same stunt he had watched. The real life result was not a cartoon. His home was set on fire and his younger sister lost her life when she could not be rescued from t... ...fect that the observation of violence would have on the subject’s social behavior. The experimental group, which was exposed to the violence, was shown to push the red button, which was believed to hurt another child’s chances of receiving a prize. More often and for a significantly longer period than the children were shown an exciting non-violent film. The conclusion was that the exposure to violence is related to the acceptance of aggression. All of these studies lead to one thing, the fact that violence affects children and adults.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before the average American child leaves elementary school, researchers estimate that he or she will have witnessed more than 8,000 murders on television. This steady diet of imaginary violence makes America the world leader in real crime and violence. It is time for parents and the American public to take notice of the scientific evidence that proves the correlation between violence seen on television and violence acting out in our society. To ignore these studies continues the growing culture of violence in our country. As Texan writer Molly Ivans says, â€Å"the first rule of a hole is, if you are in one, stop digging.†

Danforth?s Witch Hunt, Is It J Essay -- essays research papers

Danforth’s Witch Hunt, Is it Justified? (An Essay on the Crucible) I write in response to your column regarding Judge Danforth’s actions during the witch trials in Salem. Surprisingly, you praised Judge Danforth for his â€Å"impartiality and tact† during this tragic set of trials. You could not be farther from the truth. Judge Danforth abused his judicial power, throughout the trials, to the fullest of his abilities. His abuses range from berating and coercing witness into saying what he wants them go, to blatantly ignoring testimony that refuted the accusers. He presides over his courtroom as if he has divine right. Judges are supposed to find truth, not invent it. When Mary Warren confessed to Danforth that she, along with the other accusers were sporting, he refused to believe her. To think. that he would obviously ignore her is just beyond my comprehension. he did this simply to save face. To listen to Mary and admit the court system had been wrong was not a choice. Because of this and many other miscalculations on Danforth’s part numerous people lost their lives.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In addition to this, Judge Danforth has chose, very biasedly, what to admit as evidence. He used that power whenever he sought fit. When Giles Corey lacks the evidence to prove that Thomas Putnam hath prompted his daughter to falsely cry witchery on George Jacobs, Danforth dismisses the claim. Why you say? The lack of tangible evidence, yet when the young harlots claimed that invisibl...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Bejamin Franklin -- A Life Of A Great Man Essay -- essays research pap

Benjamin Franklin During the period after America's "birth" there were many incredible people but none more so than Benjamin Franklin. Ben is considered one of America's greatest citizens. He accomplished many things in his lifetime; he was a scientist, an inventor, a politician, a printer, a philosopher, a musician, and an economist. In the 1700s, a scientist was someone who thought about the way things work and tried to figure out ways to make things work better. Every time Ben Franklin saw a question and tried to answer it, he was a scientist. Ben is most famous for his questions about electricity, but he also experimented with many other ideas in nature. Ben did many studies on electricity, not just lightning. Franklin received an electricity tube from his friend Peter Collinson and began to play around with it, performing a vast amount of experiments (FISM). However, it is Ben's interest in lightning that is best remembered. Ben hypothesized that lightning was an electrical current. To test his theory he needed to see whether or not lightning would pass through metal. So he attached a metal key to a kite and flew it in a storm. His experiment proved that lightning was a stream of electrified air, known as plasma (Lemay) Ben realized that lightning was immensely powerful, so he invented the lightning rod. After Franklin did many studies with lightning and electricity, he realized it was a very powerful force. It was this that motivated him to invent the lightning rod. The lightning rod is a piece of metal attached to a building, house, boat, etc. When lightning strikes the building the rod will attract it and channel the electricity down to the ground where it will do much less damage. This invention has help protect buildings of today greatly. In 1743, Ben Franklin was watching a storm move in. He wondered why the storms were moving the opposite direction from where the wind was blowing. Franklin believed that a storm course could be plotted. Ben chased the storm on horseback  ¾ of a mile to see how it worked. He later printed weather forecasts in his almanac (FISM). In his travels across the Atlantic Ocean he became interested in ocean currents and shipbuilding. He measured temperatures on each of his eight trips to Europe and eventually plotted a Gulf Stream. Ben was one of the first people to work on gulf streams (FISM). In November... ... seventeen, he was a fully skilled printer able to work in any print shop. With this skill, Ben was able to leave Boston and find work in both Philadelphia and London. In 1728, at the age of twenty-two, Franklin opened his own printing office in Philadelphia. He published a newspaper called The Pennsylvania Gazette and his annual Poor Richard's Almanac (Esmond). He published cartoons and illustrated news stories, and letters to the editor. He believed in the power of the press, using his printing press as a way to bring the news to all people. He used cartoons and pictures so that everyone could understand the news, especially to people who had not learned to read. In 1731, Franklin set up the first ever circulating library where people could checkout books so they could read even if they couldn't afford to buy books (FISM). Ben Franklin had many other ideas about our nation. His essays and books about the economy help shape it to what it is today, he strictly believed in hard work. There was no shortage of that in his life; Benjamin Franklin is clearly one of America's greatest citizens. We honor him as one of our founding fathers and his face is on the one hundred-dollar bill.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Deliberately is to think about your actions Essay

Checkpoint 1 Living deliberately is to think about your actions, and to make good choices based on the consequences of those actions. One also prioritizes the more important things in life.Living deliberately is to think about your actions, and to make good choices based on the consequences of those actions. One also prioritizes the more important things in life.Living deliberately is to think about your actions, and to make good choices based on the consequences of those actions. One also prioritizes the more important things in life.Living deliberately is to think about your actions, and to make good choices based on the consequences of those actions. One also prioritizes the more important things in life.Living deliberately is to think about your actions, and to make good choices based on the consequences of those actions. One also prioritizes the more important things in life.Living deliberately is to think about your actions, and to make good choices based on the consequences of those actions. One also prioritizes the more important things in life.Living deliberately is to think about your actions, and to make good choices based on the consequences of those actions. One also prioritizes the more important things in life. Viewpoint 1 I think the essential facts of life are to be born, to live and to die.I think the essential facts of life are to be born, to live and to die.I think the essential facts of life are to be born, to live and to die.I think the essential facts of life are to be born, to live and to die.I think the essential facts of life are to be born, to live and to die.I think the essential facts of life are to be born, to live and to die.I think the essential facts of life are to be born, to live and to die.I think the essential facts of life are to be born, to live and to die.I think the essential facts of life are to be born, to live and to die.I think the essential facts of life are to be born, to live and to die.I think the essential facts of life are to be born, to live and to die.I think the essential facts of life are to be born, to live and to die. Viewpoint 2 I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living. I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light a t the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living. I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living. I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living. I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living. I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living. I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living an good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.I think, â€Å"To live what is not life,† means you are not living a good life, you are not happy and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you feel invisible or maybe you are being bullied. I think that is â€Å"to live what is not life†, because life is supposed to have good times and sad times. When you only experience the sad times, you are not truly living.